Starting a Lawn

How to Plant Grass Seed

Starting a lawn isn’t complicated. Lay sod for an instant lush and green lawn, or plant grass seed for the same result over time at a lower cost.

When is the best time to seed grass?

In general, spring and fall are the best times to seed grass thanks to their moderate temperatures, but timing varies based on region and seed variety. Want confirmation? Check with your friendly local garden center or university agricultural extension office

Laying the Groundwork

  1. Dig out weeds and unwanted grass, or use an herbicide that doesn’t leave a residue in the soil
  2. Remove large rocks and debris
  3. Till the soil to break it into a fine texture
  4. Perform a soil test to check for nutrients
  5. Rake the area to even out the surface
  6. Spread a lawn-starter fertilizer
  7. Calculate how much seed you’ll need to cover your area
Nurturing New Growth

As your grass begins to grow and become stronger, regular maintenance will help ensure healthy ground cover.

Planting Grass Seed

  1. Use a spreader to seed the ground evenly, following instructions for your seed variety
  2. Cover grass seed with 1/4 inch of soil by gently raking
  3. Water to encourage growth
    • Intensity: Gently with a fine spray until the seeds germinate
    • Frequency: At least once a day, but more often if it’s hot
    • Monitoring: The top inch or so should stay moist
  4. Fertilize 4-6 weeks after planting
To Fertilize or Not?

Beyond twice per year, only fertilize based on soil needs. Test your soil and talk with a university extension specialist or gardening expert about your results.